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Shutter Hub Exhibition: Yearbook 2022 Competition
Shutter Hub is a photography organisation providing opportunities and support for creative photographers worldwide. Our photograph Tavistock Drive, Leicester (Leicester City Centre, United Kingdom From Far Away) has been published in their online Exhibition: Yearbook 2022. It was in the 300 selected photographs, from 1600 entries across the world. 100 images will then be selected and published in a printed publication.
The photograph can be bought from Alamy here and see also our main Alamy portfolio. July 2022.

Shortlisted in the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) Awards
Our Landmark Planning 2019 Website Redesign project was shortlisted in the Corporate Design and Communications category (in the top 10 entries within this category) in the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) Awards 2020. You can read the full case study PDF. June 2020.

Longlisted in the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2018
We have made it onto the longlist (step 1 of a possible 3, to the final awards) in the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2018, with our infographic that we did for our paper titled Information on Different Categories of People for Graphic Communication, Website and Information Designers published on Usability Geek. The judges moved our submission from the People, Language and Identity category to Visualisation and Information Design. You can view our submission here. Wish us luck. September 2018.

The 4th Block, VIII (8th) International Triennial of Eco‑Poster Competition, 2012
Our posters Ban Public Smoking (Factories) and (Cars) have been selected as winning poster designs. They were exhibited in Kiev, then on to the exhibition halls of the Kharkov Municipal Gallery in Kharkiv, Ukraine, then in October to the International Biennale Golden Bee in Moscow.
Our poster designs were also featured in their Modern Eco-Poster 2009–2012 catalogue (ISBN: 978-966-24-0616-0), photo courtesy of Daria Titarenko. March 2012.

Runner-up in the British Book Design and Production Awards 2012
Our self-published book Punctuation..? came runner-up in the Environmental category in the British Book Design and Production Awards Competition 2012. The book is showcased in the award winners catalogue on page 25. Oxford, U.K. January 2012.

3×3 Magazine, Children’s Show Competition, Number 9, 2012
From 1500 entries from 35 countries all over the world, our book The Journey of Larks has been awarded a merit in the Young Adult Category, in the 3×3 Magazine, Children’s Show Competition, Number 9, 2012, New York, U.S.A.
The subsequent printed annual 3×3 Children’s Book Show Annual Number 9 features our work. January 2012.

Winning poster design for the Utilità Manifesta Poster Contest 2011
Utilità Manifesta runs a yearly poster contest Design for Volunteering, Peace and Human Rights, aimed at tackling social, economic and environmental issues, that is endorsed in Italy by the European Commission.
From 400 entries from designers across the world, our poster Ban Public Smoking (Factories) is in the 20 selected winning designs. October 2011.

2 merits for our work in the European Design Awards
We received 2 merits in the European Design Awards 2007, in the Book and Editorial Illustration, and Card/Invitation/Flyer categories.
Our work was featured in the accompanying European Design Awards Annual 2007 containing all the winners work, and is available from BIS Publishers, Netherlands.