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Art of Health global competition entry for STI & HIV 2023
We have decided to showcase our submission for the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association Art of Health, to answer the question ‘what does sexual health mean to you?’.
We have decided to allow copyright-free reuse of this graphic communication design submission, but you must always credit: Graphic communication design by User Design, Illustration and Typesetting www.userdesignillustrationandtypesetting.com.
We would also like to class it, as a specific piece of health information design www.healthdesignnetwork.net and government campaign design work. April 2024

A new pictogram for disability and accessibility..?
We have submitted a pictogram design into the International Accessibility Symbol Design Competition 2022 organised by The International Union of Architects (UIA) and Rehabilitation International (RI). They invited submissions for a 21st century symbol of accessibility to represent their core values of rights and inclusion, equity and independence, diversity, physical and virtual accessibility for all, including people with disabilities. The person in a wheelchair is a somewhat aged and old‑fashioned view of people with disabilities, not great hey? We wonder if Otl Aicher would agree? We would like to say thanks to the people and organisations that took part in user testing, we could not have done this project without you. Winners are announced on the 18th April 2022. There is a financial prize, but also if successful, the design will be adopted by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and used internationally, like in airports and on official signs. If you are in need of a new pictogram to represent people with disabilities, and of issues of accessibility and inclusion, contact us we have what you need. More about this project will be announced after the 18th April 2022. March 2022.

After a delay of 3 weeks after the original winners announcement date, our submission did not get an award. What would we say about the top-3 pictogram designs awarded? ‘not good’. Here are the winning entries. More about our work on this project can be seen on our Information Design webpage. May 2022.
V&A Illustration Awards 2012
We have submitted our book The Journey of Larks into the V&A Illustration Awards 2012 in the Book Illustration category, wish us luck. London, U.K. January 2012.