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UX London 2023 Conference
We attended the excellent UX London 2023 Conference at the Tobacco Dock in East London, on the 22nd–23rd June 2023, hosted and organised by the design company Clearleft. June 2023.

2nd Centre for Book Cultures and Publishing (CBCP) Postgraduate Symposium
We attended the excellent symposium at the University of Reading, U.K., near to the world-renowned Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, on the 25th May 2023, 9am–5pm. May 2023.

Graphic Design Educators’ Network Pedagogic Research Symposium
We attended the symposium at the Design School, Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, U.K. on Wednesday 20th April 2016, 1pm–5pm.
It was very pleasant, interesting and in a nice modern building. The highlight presentation was by Karel van der Waarde Communication Design Education: Could 9 Reflections be Sufficient? For more information visit the Graphic Design Educators’ Network website. April 2016.

London Book Fair 2008
We will be at the London Book Fair for 1 day between the 14th–16th April 2008. If you are a publisher and would like to arrange a meeting contact us.

Education Show 2008
We will be at the Education Show at the NEC in Birmingham, U.K. for 1 day, between the 28th February–1st March 2008. If you are an educational publisher and would like to arrange a meeting contact us.

Information Design Association presentation
We will be attending the Information Design Association presentation Medicines, Information Design and People’s Health by David Dickinson from Consumation, on topics around patient/medicine information leaflet design, at the Design Council office, 34 Bow Street, London, WC2E 7DL, U.K., on the 21st November 2007.

Sign Design Society 2008 talk
We will be attending the Sign Design Society’s talk Public Testing of Pictograms by BAA (British Airports Authority) with Tim Wheen (market research executive) at BAA, on the 6th February 2008, 6.30pm, room 1.6 at the John Lewis Partnership, 171 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5NN, U.K. (nearest tube station is Victoria).

St Bride Library lecture
We will be attending the Re-Reading Beatrice: The Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture, on Thursday 31st May 2007, 7pm at the St Bride Library in London, off Fleet Street, that was world renowned for newspaper journalism, printing and literary heritage. The event will conclude with the launch of the English edition of Gerard Unger’s book While You’re Reading.

Frankfurt Book Fair 2007
We will be at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the 12th October 2007. If you are a publisher and would like to arrange a meeting contact us.

RGAP Small Publishers Fair 2006
We will be exhibiting and selling our 3 self-published books The Journey of Larks, Life, and Punctuation..? (1st editions) at the RGAP Small Publishers Fair, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1 on Friday 20th October 2006. Open 11am–7pm, admission free (the nearest tube station is Holborn).

Fast Type, Slow Type Conference
We will be attending the Fast Type, Slow Type Conference running from the 16th–18th October 2006, at the Custard Factory, in Birmingham, U.K. We will be there on the 16th. It is the 5th in an annual series of international typographic design conferences.