We design creative concepts and book covers using typography, photography, illustration and graphic communication. Based on your requirements and the book’s needs, we can design a selection of different designs, then edit, fine-tune, and set-it-up to the printer’s specification. We aim to emphasise the issues and essence of the book, creating an interesting and desirable 1st encounter.
Uncover their interest
We do
- Full colour book cover design.
- Series book cover design and branding.
- Literal and lateral concepts.
- Photography and image research.
- Illustration.
- Hand-drawn lettering.
- Unique covers that stand-out in a crowded uncreative saturated market.
Below is a selection of projects to give you an idea of just some of the projects we have worked on.

Proactive Books.
Project title
1: Developing adult literacy and language, 2: Digital media, culture and education, 3: Books, new media and audiences: New perspectives.
Book type
Higher education, academic.
Book cover design
Photo research and editing Typographic design.About the client
Well researched and thorough academic scholarly publishing company, connecting people with knowledge. Based in Europe, but publishing for a worldwide audience.
Client’s needs
This academic publisher needed typical academic book covers designing. They needed new ideas, concepts and design input.

Outline of what we did
We designed creative, clear and clean book covers and researched photographs to use. We then discussed them with the client and made edits from their feedback. The aim was for relevant, specific and desirable book covers that were different from what was already available in bookshops. The covers also needed to work well in electronic environments, when shown at smaller sizes.
3 main improvements for them
- Designed professional book covers for professional readers.
- Fresh, relevant and appealing use of colour.
- Designed book covers that highlight and emphasise key topics within the book.
Higher levels of attention
Arena Publishers.
Project title
A complete guide to series: 1: Football, 2: Tennis, 3: Golf, 4: Cricket.
Book type
Sport, reference.
Book cover design
Technical illustration Typographic design.About the client
Founded in 1996, they publish high-quality gift and novelty books aiming to take readers on exciting journeys.
Client’s needs
The publisher needed a series of book covers setting‑up and designing for their A Complete Guide To series of sports guides.

Outline of what we did
The client wanted book cover designs for quite a specific series of books, that we handled in a precise and consistent way. The simple looking pictogram illustrations have a surprisingly powerful impact and effect, that encourage picking‑up the book, and are easy to do for other books in the series. The book cover designs are also systematic, graphically they follow the same structure and positioning, so they align consistently on the front cover, spine and back cover, that helps when displayed on bookshelves. There is certainly tension and movement in the graphic communication.
3 main improvements for them
- Designed a book cover series system and identity.
- Precise alignment and position of repeated series elements across all book covers, so the books’ spines and front covers, align well horizontally on a bookshelf.
- Appealing, interesting and easy-to-identify pictogram illustrations.
Designed a series of precise shots
Invisible Books.
Project title
Upon the distinction between the ashes of various tobaccos.
Book type
Fiction, literary fiction.
Book cover design
Scanning Typographic design Paper selection support.About the client
Small independent publishing house, that publish a range of books that do not fit anywhere else.
Client’s needs
The publisher needed a book cover for this conceptually interesting fiction book.
Outline of what we did
We worked with the illustrator that the client selected, delivering a content-fitting and relevant book cover design, that is very suggestive, imaginative and leaves a lot for the reader to work out and decide. We scanned in the illustrator’s artwork, allowing it to be reproduced in the best graphic and technical form. We also utilised and respected some unusual qualities of the original artwork, like the raw edge of the unframed painting on the inside cover flaps, and the visibleness of the illustrator’s brush strokes on the canvas.
3 main improvements for them
- Designed a book cover specifically for the book’s market and intended buyers, increasing the chance of sales.
- Near 100% colour accuracy match from exported PDF to printed book cover.
- Subtle and suggestive book cover concept, fitting for the book’s audience and intended readers.
Created an interesting fragrant environment
McGraw-Hill Education.
Project title
Communicating with children and their families.
Book type
Higher education, academic.
Book cover design
Technical illustration Typographic design.About the client
1 of the largest worldwide educational publishers.
Client’s needs
They needed a book cover designing for this social sciences book, and wanted to use the same illustration style and feel as a previous book they published.
Outline of what we did
We initially provided about 5 different book cover designs for the publisher to consider and choose from. Fresh bright colours were used to lift-it-out of being treated in a typically generic and lifeless way, and we used typefaces from the publisher’s approved list. Our book cover design avoided the typically dull and market constrained treatment that book covers in this area, usually receive.
3 main improvements for them
- Use of fresh colours that appeal to a wide-range of people.
- Increased appeal beyond how this category of book is typically designed and communicated in the market.
- Increased the chance of sales and desirability.
Helped them to relate
Invisible Books.
Project title
1930s New York.
Book type
History, photo documentary.
Book cover design
Photo research and editing Typographic design.About the client
Small independent publishing house, that publish a range of books that do not fit anywhere else.
Client’s needs
The publisher was producing a thick volume on the city of New York with 26 essays, and a large number of old photographs.
Outline of what we did
We showed-off and emphasised the content and photography, letting it speak for itself. The typeface used, was in-keeping for the time period of the book, and the title on the spine can be seen from a long distance away, for example when slotted into a bookshelf, in a bookshop. The book cover design acts link a window into the inside of the book.
3 main improvements for them
- Book cover concept that helps customers envisage and see more of what is inside.
- Increased the legibility of the book’s title on the spine, to a viewing distance of 7 metres away for people with good eyesight.
- Typographic research and design that reflects the book’s time period.
Showed their readers around New York
Persephone Books.
Project title
(Many in the series.)
Book type
Women’s fiction.
Series book cover production
Scanning Typesetting.About the client
Neglected fiction and non-fiction by mid-20th century mostly women writers. All their books are intelligent and thought‑provoking, and are chosen to appeal to busy people, wanting books that are neither too literary or too commercial.
Client’s needs
The client needed book covers setup, artwork scanning in, and then sent to the printer in Germany.
Outline of what we did
The publisher had a very elegant and restrained book cover series design already setup, that had been utilised for many previous books. We provided design and technical knowledge, with little worry for the client. The final artwork was sent to the printer in Germany and was setup correctly for them. We scanned in new artwork for bookmarks and book cover endpapers, with accurate colour and reproduction quality.
3 main improvements for them
- Decreased book cover production hassle and worry for the client.
- Decreased the client’s time needed in the office to setup book covers.
- Decreased the chance of errors, problems and production down‑time before printing, because of our successful project and supplier management.
Elegant solutions
University publishing research department.
Project title
Workbooks: 1: Number skills, 2: Calculator skills, 3: Number patterns, 4: Shape and symmetry, 5: Perimeter, area and volume.
Book type
Secondary GCSE maths educational.
Plain English
Book cover design Book design Technical illustration Freehand illustration Typesetting Typographic design Design of practical activities (paper construction exercise and helpful calculator function card) Paper selection support.About the client
Post-graduate publishing research department within 1 of the world’s leading universities.
Client’s needs
The question was asked for the cover designs, what do we say and how can we communicate with teenagers in an interesting and relevant way, about the perceived boring subject of maths?
Outline of what we did
We used meaningful colours in relation to the title and subject of the mathematical workbooks, and designed a highly appealing overall identity, that many young people are likely to enjoy and accept. We used a modern and cool typeface throughout, to improve motivation and appeal of the text. We provided hard‑hitting and relevant illustrations for young people, that actually speaks to them and says something meaningful. (We also designed the insides of these workbooks and images are available upon request.)
User feedback
- GCSE student: ‘It [the design] gives it a 2nd chance’.
- A teacher: ‘On the verge of brilliance’.
3 main improvements for them
- Concept design that does something different than what is normal, typical, and expected.
- Meaningful use of colour linked to the mathematical workbooks’ subject and area.
- Series of workbook covers that actually speak to teenagers, says something meaningful, and relates the information to them in a real-world context.
Helped the client speak better with their users, and helped young people apply it to their own lives
3 results of a book cover designed by us
1 Book covers that fulfil your project requirements and impress your users.
2 Appealing book cover designs that have more chance of being picked‑up, chosen, used and bought.
3 Interesting, relevant and meaningful concepts, communicating interest and desirability.
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