User Design, Illustration and TypesettingOur self-produced booksLife

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The title ‘Life’ in large thin drawn handwriting, at the top left. Then horizontal lines dividing the page vertically. Then the back cover has the horizontal lines continued. Barcode at the bottom right, and our web address bottom left
Front cover (back cover and front cover)


A wide cartoon black line illustration of a street scene, cars going fast bye, 2 people standing looking confused at the crossing
Pages 2 and 3


Left page shows the entrance to an art gallery, then the right page, shows someone sitting on a bench inside and looking at a picture of the world. To the left is a poster that says ‘I do not like things vich are not functional’
Pages 8 and 9



User Design, Illustration and Typesetting

2nd edition, 2011

ISBN 13: 978-0-9570712-1-6

Book type

Picture book, coffee table.


A picture-led book (no text) story about 1 day in the life of somebody.

This book also makes an ideal gift, birthday present or special occasion gesture.


£8 (€9.33, $12.35).

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